Composed by

Mayuri Dhangar

Arati Ramakanta, Sadguru Krupavanta.

Naam Tujhe smarta. Hare bhav bhay chinta.

Arati Ramakanta

Divya tujhi gurubhakti. Aali aatmprachiti.

Agamya ti Shakti. Dei adnyani bhakti.

Arati Ramkanta Sadguru Krupavanta

Naam tujhe smarta. Hare bhav bhay chinta

Arati Ramakanta

Swatmbodh bodhita. Udharilesi jagta.

Krupa tujhi dnyanwanta. Taaruni nei bhakta.

Arati Ramakanta Sadguru Krupavanta

Naam tujhe smarta. Hare bhav bhay chinta

Arati Ramakanta

Nij-roop tujhe pahta. Bhagya oojalale tata.

Daavilesi nijdhana. Tuj trivaar vandanaa.

Arati Ramakanta Sadguru Krupavanta.

Naam tujhe smarta. Hare bhav bhay chinta.

Arati Ramakanta.


Aarati to Master Ramakant

O Master Ramakant!

We here adore you with Aarati.

You have always been gracious to us.

The moments of your memories always keep us

Away from all the fears and worries in our material life.

Refrain  Arati Ramakanta, Sadguru full of grace.

Your name keeps all fear away.

Your exceptional devotion to your Master

Was so intense that it led you to Self-Realization.

We are your ignorant devotees.

We earnestly pray at your feet for that

Inconceivable, divine power.


You have uplifted the world by removing

Their ignorance of spirituality and by

Giving them the knowledge of the Selfless Self.

Oh Lord! You are really the idol of knowledge

And your grace always protects the devotees.


O Beloved Master!

The moment we perceived your formless essence

Was the dawn of our fortune.

We bow down to you with boundless gratitude

For opening the doors of the treasury

Spiritual bliss.

song piece.MP3

 "That is whole and perfect. This is whole and perfect. From the whole and perfect the whole and perfect becomes manifest. If the whole and perfect issues forth from the whole and perfect, even still, only the whole and perfect will remain."

Bhausaheb Maharaj
Nisargadatta Maharaj
Siddharameshwar Maharaj
ranjit Maharaj
Ramakant Maharaj


Ramakant Maharaj

Assorted Devotional Songs


Bholi Lekaru.mp3

Sadguru Devotion.mp3

Siddharama Bhajan.mp3

Siddharama Raya.mp3

Tukaram Song.mp3

Daily Bhajans

Kakad Arati .mp3

morning bhajans.mp3

Afternoon & Evening Bhajans ..mp3

Tukaram Maharaj

Saint Tukaram - composer of the Abhangas as sung in the lineage evening Bhajans. 

Ranadev Maharaj

Gurudev Ranade disciple of Bhausaheb Maharaj - creator and selector of some of the lineage Bhajans.

 Morning Bhajans

My Great Fortune Has Come

My great fortune has come; He has pulled me out of worldly affairs.

I have met my Sadguru and I do as He wants me to do.

He took me in the right direction to the west side (inside), where there is Self.

After crossing the attributes you will reach Pandhari, where Vithoba resides.

How to describe this happiness? When ego goes, happiness remains.

By that light (understanding) which He has given, my ego is completely destroyed.

I go to the Self. Body remains but I don't care for it.

Mind becomes no mind, no trace of bondage remains.

Merged in Self, I have forgotten why I've come here! Words are meaningless.

I've become One. I see only Myself everywhere.

Three attributes are burned. I have transcended them.

The indestructible, eternal is wondrous. The light of Self-illumination never diminishes.

By concentrating there, I remember HIM only. I forget even to blink!

Mind becomes no-mind. I don't know if it is day or night.

This which I lit is Vitthala, Arati of the Self, in full splendor in one's heart. That Self-Light overcame the space, becoming so big that He cannot be contained in the sky.

The light of sun and moon has diminished, in that power.

I understand all voices and all music comes from ME. Myself is everywhere. Everything is in harmony.

In the ocean of happiness I have drowned myself....with love....

...and achieved greatest happiness, which my words cannot say .

By His company I got the understanding. I did Arati, but I have lit myself.

All thoughts have gone, mind becomes no-mind; Bliss without cause.

Everybody is HE.

 More Morning Bhajans

 You See Yourself

The longing (wish) got fulfilled. You became the King of Kings! You are HE and that prosperity is your Self.

Everywhere there is happiness in the three worlds, because except HE there is nothing.

You always shine because you are true, you are the One religion, there is only Self-religion, and Myself is everywhere. All is One.

You see everything, but still it is nothing but Yourself. You see your Self.









 Afternoon Bhajan

                            I Am Very Happy 

I am very happy to move around Him. He is inside and I go around.

I surrender to Him. I am winding myself around the Master so that

I may always be with Him.

At once ... I have become HE. The Gods themselves are in haste to come down and have pradakshina of such a great One because the unmanifest has become manifest.

By doing pradakshina, pilgrimages, the main pilgrimage is to Kashi (body) where Master gives you understanding and you become HE.

...Grace is overflowing ... You surrender to the Master.

Drums and cymbals are played by disciples with love as we chant HIS name.

The secret of the Master‘s Praise (Guru Bhajan) cannot be understood by scriptures or ritual. Only those who have greed for always being at the Master‘s feet, (the knowledge:I am HE) will understand. He takes you beyond knowledge.



ramakant maharaj
Ramakant Maharaj

Dasbodh Meditation Full Length.mp3

Ramakant Maharaj Dasbodh Full Length.mp3

Dasbodh Meditation.mp3

Ramakant Maharaj
ramakant maharaj
Ramakant Maharaj

chid ashram clip for web.mp3

Shankara Ramakant Maharaj

Sri Adi Shankaracharya

Chidananda is a beautiful bhajan which is sung every morning at the ashram. The words are derived from the famous poem, popularly known in Sanskrit, as Atma-Shatakam, or Nirvana Shatakam.

Sri Adi Shankaracharya (788-820 CE), the great Hindu philosopher, Advaita Vedantic scholar and revered saint, summarized the non-dualistic philosophy in just six stanzas.

Legend has it that Shankara was eight years old when he travelled northwards from Kerala, in search of a Guru, a True Master who had reached Self-realization. While wandering in the Himalayas, he met Swami Govindapadapada Acharya, who turned out to be the teacher he had been searching for. When the sage asked Shankara, “Who are you?” Shankara responded spontaneously. His remarkable impromptu composition encapsulated the Advaita Vedanta philosophy in its entirety:

There is nothing but Atma, the True Self, complete peace, freedom and joy.

I am that eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva,
love and pure consciousness”.

Chidananda takes one through the process of self-enquiry, step by step, eliminating and negating what one is not, using the method of “neti neti”, (not this, not this). This practice inevitably leads to the spontaneous realization:

I am that eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva,
love and pure consciousness”.


I am eternal bliss. I am Shiva.

I am eternal bliss. I am Shiva.

I am not the mind, intellect, ego or sub-conscious.

I am not the ears, the tongue, nose or eyes.

I am not space, earth, fire or wind.

I am eternal bliss. I am Shiva.

I am eternal bliss. I am Shiva.

I am not breathing power, the seven vital bodily constituents

nor the five coverings.

I am not speech, hands, feet, nor the rectum

I am eternal bliss. I am Shiva.

I am eternal bliss. I am Shiva.

I am not envy, greed, nor craving nor attraction.

I am not arrogance nor jealousy nor pride.

Nor religion, wealth, spending for mankind nor liberation.

I am eternal bliss, I am Shiva.

I am eternal bliss, I am Shiva.

I am not virtue, sin, joy, nor sorrow.

I am not mantra, pilgrimage, scriptures, offering nor ritual fire.

I am not food, the eating nor the one who eats.

I am eternal bliss, I am Shiva.

I am eternal bliss, I am Shiva.

I am not death, doubt nor discrimination of caste.

I am not father, mother, hence no birth.

I am not brother, nor friend, nor guru nor aspirant.

I am eternal bliss, I am Shiva.

I am eternal bliss, I am Shiva.

I am beyond concept, without change, beyond form.

I am all-pervading in all the senses.

I see equality in everyone; I'm neither liberated nor in bondage.

I am eternal bliss, I am Shiva.

I am eternal bliss, I am Shiva.


The bhajan is perfectly rounded off with the opening verse from the

Isha Upanishad. Its vast meaning explains the nature of Reality and

the wisdom of the path to Self-Realisation:

That is whole and perfect. This is whole and perfect.

From the whole and perfect the whole and perfect becomes manifest.

If the whole and perfect issues forth from the whole and perfect, even still

Only the whole and perfect will remain. “

More Morning Bhajans

 You See Yourself

The longing (wish) got fulfilled. You became the King of Kings! You are HE and that prosperity is your Self.

Everywhere there is happiness in the three worlds, because except HE there is nothing.

You always shine because you are true, you are the One religion, there is only Self-religion, and Myself is everywhere. All is One.

You see everything, but still it is nothing but Yourself. You see your Self.









More afternoon bhajans:

By making pradakshina and by my dedication, (I am not the body, I am HE), I become the real prosperity, the SELF, one with Reality.

Concentrate on HIM, outside and inside pervading everywhere, your own Self; ever-shining, ever-ready, self-effulgent, ever-pure Self, ever-present before you.

Bow down to your Master and whatever He teaches, follow that. Keep your mind on alert and find Him out;in heart-cave, where the eternal, ever-pure Self is residing.

Wish, anger, ego; mind has this habit. Forget it! Leave these thoughts of duality.Kill them and destroy these enemies.

Always make your mind centered on Oneness, sitting like Master in padmasan. Understand that "I am HE". Short and sweet comes right there; experience it in your own Self.

With eyes closed, see the Oneness inside. HE is there. Then so many colors come. Say everything is One; equality for all.

Due to HIM you see different colors: red, white, yellow, green. Concentrate on HIM, outside and inside, your own Self.

Through meditation, going beyond the triad of experience, you enter and become HE-shapeless Reality. Enter with ego/mind and then forget that ego/mind.

Mind becomes no-mind; Self. In that state of samadhi there is no time, no space, you are as you were before: HE.

One who strives to attain this, by a miracle can understand; his troubles/duality go away and he remains happy with Himself.

When He remains in that state He understands and experiences both sentient and insentient. There is no place without HIM.

Concentrate on HIM, outside and inside, your own Self.

By Guru‘s grace He gives a wound to you because you don‘t like Oneness!! One who gets such a wound in the mind enters the space where ego cannot go and becomes restless to find HIM.

Every moment concentrate on me, Self, for I am everywhere, without "I". This One has no wish. He is clean; He doesn‘t want anything now.

People call Him mad, but He is always satisfied, clean, pure, complete, always tasting the drink of Self-knowledge and remaining as HE.

Concentrate on HIM, inside and outside, your own

By Master‘s grace He says very important things. Once you understand and do it, you become Reality.

Once you understand, you become He instantly. You see everywhere yourself and then always have dispassion.

By His grace, theMaster has given me understanding and I remain in that Grace always. 

Openly you give out this understanding. And with this knowledge, as a disciple of a real Master, I praise my Master.

A good disciple follows the Master and is benefitted. Others waste their lives and follow the cycle of birth and death.

Concentrate on HIM, inside and outside, your own SELF.


Nisargadatta Maharaj Bhajans.mp3