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The Inauguration of Ramakant Maharaj Ashram Mauritius took place on 26th of January 2025.

Anvita Aai's Talk on "Sri Ramakant Maharaj Ashram Inauguration" in Mauritius. 26 January 2025!

"Raja Dhi Raj Sadguru Nath Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj ki Jai Raja Dhi Raj Sadguru Nath Sri Ramakant Maharaj ki Jai My Pranam to Dear Annji Ma and all of the devotees there.

So today is the golden day and the sun of knowledge has arisen in Lauv’s house. We all devotees here in Ramakant Ashram are as much happy as you are there. Today’s day that is 26th January has exceptional importance in our Sampradaya because it is on the same day in which the Padukas of Sri Samarth Sadguru Siddharameshwar Maharaj were installed at Banganga in Mumbai. Again, also the Samadhi of Sri Ranjit Maharaj was built on the same day and now, the inauguration of Ramakant Maharaj first Ashram outside India.

And secondly, the Murthi of our Beloved Maharaj is being established, being installed. So, this day, 26th January, has become a special and auspicious day for all of us.

Maharaj has given us the understanding that the Guru is not a person, not a manifestation. He is without any shape, without any attributes. He is the Unmanifest, Pure Absolute.

Outwardly, making the Murthi appears to be a contradiction, but this very thing is the secret of Saguna Bhakti, where we get the pleasure and satisfaction of devotion, after the understanding of Nirguna Bhakti. We get the way to show our gratitude towards our Master, our love towards our Master. 

Now we are all very proud of you for this great achievement. And my special thanks to Annji Ma for her guidance to Lauv, for her invaluable guidance because it was very much expected/ needed there.  My love to al the devotees. 

Jai Sri Nisargadatta , Jai Sri Ramakant Maharaj."

Sri Vijay Sawant  Maharaj’s talk on Sri Ramakant Maharaj Ashram inauguration in Mauritius.

"Today is 26th January 25, A very auspicious day of inauguration of Ramakant Maharaj Ashram and Idol at Mauritius. 26th January is also a day when Samadhi of Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj was inaugurated at Banganga, Mumbai.

Therefore I find this as a great day which has happened by coincidence. I am there right now at Mauritius with you, all the blessings with you, Maharaj is with you, Sadguru is always with us and our presence. The beingness shows our Presence and the Presence of Guru.

You are all fortunate enough to get the knowledge of Brahman. Listen the words of Sadguru, the promise should work with faith. With all the gratitude at the Feet of Sadguru I say this at present time ,present beingness, consciousness with all of you. Jai Guru"

Annji Ma Sings Chidananda in Mauritius

Annji's Ma Talk on Sri Ramakant Maharaj's Ashram in Mauritius 

Annji’s Ma talk on Sri Ramakant Maharaj’s Ashram in Mauritius 

"Namaste and a big welcome to the Inauguration of the first Ashram in the name of Shri Ramakant Maharaj in the world! Today is a very auspicious day, a celebratory day when we unveil the sacred Murti of Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj.

Shri Ramakant Maharaj is a Guru of the Inchegiri Navnath Sampradaya Lineage, the same Lineage to which the famous Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj belonged. Nisargadatta Maharaj was, in fact, Ramakant Maharaj’s Master!

Now a few words about “Gurus”… Gurus have transcended the confines of the body-mind. The physical disappearance of the guru, therefore, doesn’t mean that the guru no longer exists. The relationship between the guru and disciple is not broken by the demise of the Guru’s body. Because the guru is Self-Realized then he continues to assist the disciple even after his physical disappearance. And the disciple will continue to worship the guru, offering his service and continuing to present himself as the humble servant of his guru, giving all credit for any achievement to his guru. The Guru’s words always come true.

Some years back, Ramakant Maharaj told devotee, Lauv, that he wanted to visit Mauritius. Unfortunately, due to ill-health, He was unable to travel. But now, Maharaj has reached Mauritius! His words have manifested Reality through this beautiful Murti.  And for those of you here who have just discovered Ramakant Maharaj, you all have a beautiful opportunity to be uplifted! Maharaj’s Presence is a blessing for Mauritius! 

Now a few words about the Murti… What is it exactly? A murti is not a statue or an idol, but a living vessel of manifestation. Creating and installing a Murti is a deeply auspicious act. The Murti was consecrated on 31st October, meaning that through various rituals and prayer, it has become a living portal to the infinite. It is not merely a physical representation or a meditation tool, but nothing less than an embodiment of the divine, the Ultimate Reality. After the Murti was ritually bathed, it became imbued with the permanent presence of the divine.

Now, one can observe and feel the energy and the vibrations altering, changing in this living, dynamic entity. For example, you may be amazed to witness modifications in the Murti taking place, from moment to moment, like Maharaj’s face transforming, the look in his eyes, the expressions changing, etc., all of which demonstrates its aliveness!  

Therefore, how should we behave around the Murti? With respect and veneration and the consciousness that you are in the presence of the divine. The living presence in this sacred image of Shri Ramakant Maharaj means that we should treat and serve Him with devotion like a real living saint!   

God, divine Energy, divine power or however we prefer to call it, has entered the murti and resides within, making it a physical representation of the divine. It is not just a symbolic icon but infused with living divine presence.

How should we view the Murti? View it in the way Ramakrishna did. He used to visualize God as a living entity within the murti. He never considered it to be a stone image.  In other words, he viewed it as the image and not the image as the God. Murti worship dates back to antiquity. It is the worship of the Supreme God/Being by remembering His/Her presence in the form of those who lived great spiritual lives – shining lights like Shri Ramakant Maharaj!

Murtis serve to deepen one’s connection to the divine by offering a focus through the senses and emotions.  Now we can receive darshan from Maharaj. Darshan means divine sight. The experience of darshan is highly revered in Vedic tradition where just seeing a divine or enlightened being is believed to cleanse the karmas of lifetimes, and create a deep and lasting transformation in us.

Darshan is the practice of looking upon or being in the presence of temple deities, saints, or Self-realized masters such as Shri Ramakant Maharaj. The experience is considered reciprocal. In the moment of seeing and being seen by the Divine, the viewer is blessed. By just gazing upon the sacred Being with reverence, we can experience the blessings and grace in different ways! How this happens is beyond comprehension!

Darshan is an outpouring of unconditional love. The blessing is an opportunity to gain spiritual advancement and fulfilment.  Through the living vessel of this murti, pure grace flows from Maharaj to each person present. No effort is required on your part except for you to be open to receive this grace that is self-transforming. So, keep your mind clear of all affairs. That way you can concentrate on the darshan. As we approach the murti and bow to him to show our reverence, and as we look at him, through this interaction, something mystical takes place and we receive a divine blessing. At this point it is important to be reminded of our non-dual reality. We are not separate from the divine because our essence, our nature is divine. In truth, therefore, Darshan refers to seeing the deity in you. The deity is not a separate supreme being but a part of you. The same godliness in Maharaj resides in all of us. 

Stand in front of the murti and look! Just look! It may take a little time to grow into this activity but the more you do it, the more natural it will become. And gradually you will glean something. See the murti as your friend. See it as an aid to Self-discovery, Self-Realization! And as you behold Maharaj, say what arises in your heart or listen to what Maharaj wishes to say to you! Let’s enjoy the rest of the day! Jai Guru!"  

We are building humble accommodation for the Ramakant Maharaj Ashram in Mauritius. If you can donate towards the cost, it would be much appreciated.
Jai Guru🙏